

Terms and Definitions

1. Internet Website

1.1 Internet Website a collection of computer software programs and other information contained in an information system, with access provided via the Internet telecommunications network by the domain name, including all levels of the said domain, both operational as of the date of these Rules acceptance by the User and those launched and put into operation throughout the duration of these Rules, as well as all its versions for mobile and other multimedia devices.

1.2 Website Administration – Greyhound News uk: The Administration is the administrator of the domain name and the owner of the Website, i.e., the entity establishing the rules for using the Website, including the order of information placement on such a website by the Administration and Users.

1.3 Rules: these Rules for the use of materials on the Website, defining the order and conditions for using the materials posted on the Website, as well as the procedure for interaction with the Website Administration.

1.4 User: any person visiting the Website and/or using its Materials, including (but not limited to) information agencies, newspapers, magazines, and other print media, electronic media, any other mass media, as well as Internet sites not registered as media, individuals, organizations, and public associations, any other third parties.

1.5 Usage: any reproduction, distribution, public disclosure, broadcasting, cable communication, import, rental, public performance, translation, and other processing of the Website Materials, as well as other methods of usage provided by the current legislation at the time of such usage, regardless of whether such actions are performed for profit or not, and whether the usage of the Materials is in full or in part.

1.6 Materials: any information, messages, data posted on the Website, both collectively and separately, regardless of their form of presentation and attribution to the results of intellectual activity, including (but not limited to) textual materials (news information displayed in text form, headlines, articles, quotes, comments, messages about current news of the day, events, and facts), photographic works, audiovisual works, musical works (with or without text), works of painting, graphics, design, as well as other proprietary/exclusive materials, except for objects whose copyright holders/authors and (or) sources of borrowing are indicated as other persons.

2. General Provisions

2.1 These Rules: These Rules are developed in accordance with current legislation and constitute a legally binding agreement between the User and the Website Administration, the subject of which is the provision by the Website Administration of access for the User to use the Website and its functionality. The agreement between the User and the Website Administration also includes all special documents regulating the provision of access to use individual functionalities of the Website, posted in the relevant sections of the Website on the Internet.

2.2 These Rules: These Rules are not a contract and can be unilaterally amended by the Website Administration without notifying the Users. Changes come into force from the date of publication of the new edition of the Rules. The current version of the Rules is available at the link Users are obliged to regularly check the provisions of these Rules for changes and/or additions. The User is considered to have been informed and accepted the changes to the Rules if they visit the Website or continue any Usage of the Website Materials after the publication of the new edition of the Rules.

2.3 Except for cases of permissible Usage of Materials established by current legislation and these Rules, the Usage of the Website Materials without prior written permission from the Website Administration is not allowed.

2.4 The copyright holder of the Materials posted on the Website is the Website Administration (unless otherwise indicated), or such Materials are used on the Website based on a contract or other legal grounds in accordance with the right provided by current legislation.

2.5 None of the provisions of these Rules grant the User the right to use the trade name, domain names of the Website and/or the Website Administration or intellectual property objects of third parties, except for cases directly provided by these Rules for mentioning the Website and/or the Website Administration as a source of information.

3. Order of Usage of Materials

3.1 Usage of the Website Materials is allowed only based on a fee-based contract concluded with the Website Administration. Any Usage of the Materials before the conclusion of the contract, except for cases of permissible Usage of Materials under the conditions defined by these Rules, is considered a violation of the Rules and is illegal Usage. For questions regarding the conclusion of a contract for the acquisition of information products and Website Materials, as well as determining the cost and conditions of Usage of Materials, please contact via email:

3.2 Free Usage of Materials is not allowed, except for cases of permissible Usage defined by the Rules.

3.3 These Rules allow for the free non-commercial usage of Materials when fulfilling the requirements of section 4 of the Rules in the following cases:

3.3.1 On personal pages of individuals on the Internet for personal, informational, scientific, cultural, educational purposes, without profit-making, provided that an active hyperlink to the Material page on the Website is placed, by posting it on certain social networks (in this case, the reproduction or other usage of each specific Material in full is not allowed);

3.3.2 On free informational and educational electronic resources on the Internet, media websites, and/or news agencies on the Internet, provided that an active hyperlink to the Material page on the Website is placed (in this case, the reproduction or other usage of each specific Material in full is not allowed).

3.4 Free non-commercial usage of Materials in accordance with these Rules is allowed exclusively for purposes not related to making a profit from their sale or inclusion in a sold product, as well as providing access to the Materials or the product containing them for a fee, as well as on monetized websites on the Internet/mobile applications and/or other devices on which the distribution and/or other display of Materials is carried out, and in cases specified in clause 3.3 of the Rules.

3.5 Free non-commercial usage of Materials is prohibited in the following cases:

3.5.1 In ways and cases different from those specified in clause 3.3 of the Rules and/or in violation of the requirements of section 4 of the Rules;

3.5.2 By including in SMS or email distributions;

3.5.3 When creating composite works (including databases);

3.5.4 On personal pages and blogs of individuals with a public and/or commercial character (i.e., blogs that bring their owners financial or other benefits), including in communities on social networks;

3.5.5 When creating composite works (including databases);

3.5.6 For the purpose of making a profit;

3.5.7 In ways and to an extent not directly permitted by these Rules, as well as in violation of these Rules or current legislation.

3.6 Usage of Materials in the cases specified in clause 3.3 of the Rules is allowed to an extent not exceeding 20% of the volume of the quoted Material.

4. Restrictions and Conditions of Material Use

4.1 When using Materials on a fee-based basis, the possibility of their processing by the User is agreed upon when concluding a contract with the Website Administration.

4.2 When using Materials on a non-commercial basis, processing by the User is not permitted.

4.3 In every case of using the Website Materials for any purpose, the User must provide a reference to the Website as the source of information in the following manner:

4.3.1 When using Materials in print:

  • «Source: Greyhound News:»,
  • The material's author (if their name is indicated on the Website),
  • The date the Material was posted on the Website.

4.3.2 When using Materials in electronic format on the Internet:

  • Source: Greyhound News:,
  • The material's author (if their name is indicated on the Website),
  • The date the Material was posted on the Website,
  • An active hyperlink to the Website, not closed for indexing by search engines.

4.3.3 The source link or hyperlink should be located at the beginning of the reproduced Material. The font size of the source link or hyperlink should not be smaller than the font size of the text in which the Materials are used.

4.3.4 The use of Materials obtained from secondary sources, which include a link to the Website as a source of information, is only possible with the formatting of a link to the original source in the manner determined by these Rules. Additionally, to ensure compliance with the provisions of clause 4.4 of the Rules, the User must verify the original information posted on the Website.

4.4 The User is obligated to maintain accuracy and authenticity in the reproduction of Textual materials. Responsibility for not accurately and authentically reproducing Textual materials lies with the User.

4.5 Restrictions and Conditions of Material Use:

4.5.1 In publications, on electronic resources, and Internet sites containing information whose distribution is prohibited by law;

4.5.2 Indicating a publication time identical to or earlier than the time of publication of the corresponding Materials on the Website;

4.5.3 For purposes that undermine the reputation of the Website Administration and/or third parties or cause any other harm to them;

4.5.4 If such use demonstrates to other Users the approval of such use or the expressed opinion of the User by the Website Administration or any other connection of the User with the Website Administration;

4.5.5 In other cases where such use causes or may cause harm to the legally protected interests of the Website Administration.

5. Order of Using the Website

5.1 The functionality and services of the Website are provided «as is.» The Website Administration is not responsible for the expectations and compliance of the Website's functionality and services with the User's objectives. The Website Administration has the right to change and update the functionality and services of the Website, conduct work to update the design, engine, and/or structure of the Website without prior notice to the User. The Website Administration reserves the right to change, supplement, delete any Material from the Website and/or restrict access to it at any time unilaterally.

5.2 From the beginning of using the Website (and with the continuation of its use after familiarization with these Rules), the User consents to receive third-party advertising and informational materials (hereinafter referred to as «advertising»), including those integrated into the structure of the Website. The placement of advertising on the Website does not mean approval and/or recommendation by the Website Administration of the advertised object and/or advertiser. The Website Administration does not determine and does not influence the content of third-party advertising, including information about websites and links indicated in the advertising, to which the User can go by clicking on the corresponding advertisement.

5.3 When using the Website, the User undertakes to act in good faith and not carry out any actions capable of harming the Website and/or other third parties, including (but not limited to):

5.3.1 Not using the Website with any malicious software;

5.3.2 Not using any devices, computer programs, and/or processes/scripts to interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the Website;

5.3.3 Not using any devices, automated and other computer programs that allow unauthorized access to any part, functionality, and/or Materials of the Website, as well as allowing the extraction, copying, distribution, and performing other actions with the Materials of the Website.

5.4 To prevent or counteract violations of these Rules, including DDoS attacks, other hacking attacks, the Website Administration has the right to limit the User's access to the Website.

6. Liability for Improper Use of Materials

6.1 The use of the Website Materials in violation of any of the provisions of these Rules means that they are used without permission from the Website, constituting a violation of the rights of the Website Administration and/or third parties and leading to criminal, civil, and other liability as provided by current legislation.

6.2 In case of violation of the requirements specified in these Rules, the Website Administration reserves the right to appeal to the authorized persons with a request to restrict access to Internet pages on which Materials are posted in violation of these Rules, as well as to hold the responsible persons accountable as established by law.

6.3 Additionally, in case of violation of these Rules, the User compensates the Website Administration for all damages incurred as a result of claims made against the Website Administration by third parties whose rights were violated by the User's unlawful actions, as well as receiving orders, warnings, and other acts from authorized state authorities, involving the Copyright Holder in legal proceedings as a result of the User's unlawful actions.

7. Other Provisions

7.1 If one or more provisions of these Rules are deemed invalid or unenforceable, the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions remains intact.

7.2 For other questions related to the Use of the Website Materials, the User can contact via email:

7.3 These Rules are governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia. Questions not regulated by the Rules shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.

7.4 In case of any disputes or disagreements related to the implementation of the Rules, the User and the Website Administration shall make every effort to resolve them through negotiations between them. If disputes are not resolved through negotiations, they shall be resolved in the manner established by the current legislation of the Republic of Estonia.