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Oxford Stadium. Source:

Oxford Stadium Withdraws Open Invitation to The Blue Cross: Press Release

Oxford Stadium has officially withdrawn its open invitation offer to The Blue Cross, six months after the animal charity initially accepted the invitation during a live BBC Radio Oxford interview.

The Stadium extended the invitation to senior representatives of The Blue Cross, offering them the opportunity to visit the facilities at the Sandy Lane venue and the headquarters of professional trainer Kevin Hutton, located near the charity's Burford offices.

The invitation was initially presented to the charity on September 27, 2023, during a local radio broadcast where Blue Cross spokesperson Kerry Taylor accepted on behalf of the charity, expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Despite repeated attempts by Oxford Stadium to organise The Blue Cross' visit, including follow-up emails and communication, no progress was made. A timeline of communication efforts was provided, showcasing Oxford Stadium's persistent attempts to coordinate the visit.

After multiple attempts to schedule the visit were met with delays and lack of response, Oxford Stadium sent a formal withdrawal of the invitation to Blue Cross CEO Chris Burghes. The decision was made due to the perceived lack of engagement and cooperation from The Blue Cross.

In the withdrawal email, Oxford Stadium expressed disappointment with The Blue Cross' failure to confirm a visit date within the agreed-upon timeframe. Additionally, concerns were raised about the charity's conduct, including alleged inconsistencies and misrepresentation in its campaigns against greyhound racing.

Despite acknowledging the challenges faced by animal welfare charities, Oxford Stadium emphasized the importance of fulfilling commitments and engaging in constructive dialogue, especially regarding significant issues such as greyhound racing.

The withdrawal of the invitation reflects Oxford Stadium's stance on maintaining transparency and accountability in its interactions with external organizations.

Oxford Stadium's Withdrawal Email to Chris Burghes:

Dear Chris,

I am writing to confirm the withdrawal of Oxford Stadium’s open invitation offer – accepted by The Blue Cross in September 2023.

We are disappointed – but not surprised – The Blue Cross has failed to confirm a date to tour our facilities and visit the training headquarters of Kevin Hutton within six months of accepting our invitation.

We put it to The Blue Cross that it was never the charity’s intention to fulfil the promise made during the BBC Radio Oxford broadcast. We will continue to call out the inconsistencies and disingenuous behaviours of The Blue Cross in regard to its campaign to end UK greyhound racing.

Photoshopping stock images of greyhounds to paint pictures of ‘grim reality’ and misidentifying greyhounds as Spanish Galgos in paid social media campaigns is in no way acceptable.

We appreciate animal welfare charities are facing unprecedented challenges right now. This, however, cannot reasonably be used as an excuse for choosing not to agree a date with our team within a six-month period when the campaign to end greyhound racing is one of your key priorities.


Oxford Stadium team.

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